Timeline Of Ticket b5f7b7a1e8d817047c0169b2d5b806674249dbda
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14:42 Closed ticket [b5f7b7a1e8]: commit should check if machine is running on snapshot mode plus 3 other changes artifact: cdaf337fad user: vitus
Added checks for snapshots into cmd_commit. Fixes [b5f7b7a1e8] check-in: 34605c20d1 user: vitus tags: trunk
12:02 Ticket [b5f7b7a1e8] commit should check if machine is running on snapshot mode status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: fe4b0c0316 user: vitus
19:10 Ticket [b5f7b7a1e8]: 5 changes artifact: 1f1350f270 user: vitus
18:52 New ticket [b5f7b7a1e8]. artifact: 8a554a2471 user: vitus