Timeline Of Ticket 04513cf08039fe3bc62ee94e09dc73ec1b688d0c
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08:55 Closed ticket [802f69a37b]: Restore snapshot if found on start plus 5 other changes artifact: 4a08a2688a user: vitus
08:54 Closed ticket [04513cf080]: If saved vm state is found upon start, restore it. plus 4 other changes artifact: 3e5985e2a5 user: vitus
Implemented restoration of saved VM state upon start. Fixes [04513cf080] check-in: de32d3e822 user: vitus tags: trunk
11:56 Closed ticket [05b384a169]: Restore snapshot if found on start plus 5 other changes artifact: 6423a654a9 user: vitus
11:51 New ticket [04513cf080] If saved vm state is found upon start, restore it.. artifact: fd0b16e7b5 user: vitus