]> www.wagner.pp.ru Git - oss/fubar.git/blob - plugins/phone_vcf
fixed file names under tk 8.5 and above
[oss/fubar.git] / plugins / phone_vcf
1 #!/usr/bin/wish 
2 # Fubar plug-in to handle phonebook
3 package require Img
4 if {![file exists ~/.phonebook.vcf]} {
5         error "Phonebook file $env(HOME)/.phonebook.vcf not found"
6 }       
7 namespace eval phonebook {
8         # Returns true if phonebook was reread, false if it is not changed
9         #
10         proc read_phonebook {} {
11                 variable phones
12                 variable phonebookstamp
13                 if {[info exists phonebookstamp]&&[file mtime ~/.phonebook.vcf]<$phonebookstamp} {
14                         return 0
15                 }
16                 if {[info exists phones]} {unset phones}
17                 set f [open ~/.phonebook.vcf r]
18                         fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8
19                         set state "none"
20                         while {[gets $f line]>=0} {
21                                 if {![string length $line]} continue
22                                 if {$state eq "photo"} {
23                                         if {![regexp ":" $line]} {
24                                                 set index [lindex [array names cur_record "PHOTO*"] 0]
25                                                 append cur_record($index) "$line\n"
26                                                         continue
27                                         } else {
28                                                 set state "record"
29                                         }
30                                 }       
31                                 foreach {field value} [split $line :] break
32                                 set list [split $field ";"]
33                                 if {[llength $list>1]} {
34                                         set field [lindex $list 0]
35                                                 foreach opt [lrange $list 1 end] {
36                                                         if {[string match CHARSET=* $opt]||
37                                                                 [string match ENCODING=* $opt]||
38                                                                         $opt eq "PREF"} continue
39                                                         lappend field $opt
40                                                 }       
41                                 }       
42                                 if {$field eq "END"} {
43                                         assemble_record cur_record
44                                         set state "none"
45                                         array unset cur_record
46                                 } elseif {$field eq "BEGIN"} {
47                                         if {[info exists currecord]} {
48                                                 array unset cur_record
49                                         }
50                                         set state "record"
51                                 } else {
52                                         if {[string match "PHOTO*" $field]}      {
53                                                 set cur_record($field) "$value\n"
54                                                 set state "photo"
55                                         } else {
56                                                 set cur_record($field) ""
57                                                 foreach subval [split $value ";"] {
58                                                         set cur_record($field) "$subval $cur_record($field)"
59                                                 }
60                                         }       
61                                 }       
62                         }       
63                 close $f
64                         set phonebookstamp [clock seconds]
65                         return 1
66         }       
68         proc assemble_record  {var} {
69                 upvar $var record
70                 variable phones
71                 set index $record(N)
72                 if [info exists record(ORG)] { append index ",$record(ORG)"}
73                 if [info exists record(TITLE)] { append index ",$record(TITLE)"}
74                 set phones($index) [array get record]
75         }       
77         proc mkwindow {w} {
78                 wm title $w "Phone book"
79                         frame $w.search 
80                         entry $w.search.pattern
81                         button $w.search.loc -text "Find"\
82                                         -command [list ::phonebook::position $w]
83                         button $w.search.filter -text "Filter"\
84                                         -command [list ::phonebook::filter $w]
85                         button $w.search.new -text "New"\
86                                         -command [list ::phonebook::new_rec $w]
87                         bind $w.search.pattern <Key-Return> [list $w.search.loc invoke]
88                         bind $w.search.pattern <Control-Return> [list $w.search.filter invoke]
89                         bind $w.search.pattern <Control-n> [list $w.search.new invoke]
90                         pack $w.search.pattern -side left -fill x -expand y
91                         pack $w.search.loc $w.search.filter $w.search.new -side left
92                         listbox $w.list -yscrollcommand "$w.y set" -width 20
93                         bind $w.list <<ListboxSelect>> "::phonebook::show_record $w \[%W get \[%W curselection\]\]"
94                         bind $w.list <Key> [list ::phonebook::keyEvent $w.search.pattern %k %s %A %K]
95                         scrollbar $w.y -orient vert -command "$w.list yview"
96                         frame $w.record
97                         foreach {name title} {name "éÍÑ" org "ïÒÇÁÎÉÚÁÃÉÑ" title "ú×ÁÎÉÅ"
98                                 telcell "ôÅÌ. íÏÂ" telwork "ôÅÌ.òÁÂ." telhome "ôÅÌ.äÏÍ." telother
99                                         "ðÒÏÞÅÅ" fax "æÁËÓ" email "E-Mail"} {
100                                                 label $w.record.l$name -text $title -anchor e
101                                                         label $w.record.$name -anchor w
102                                                         grid $w.record.l$name $w.record.$name -sticky news
103                                         }
104                 label $w.record.image 
105                 button $w.record.edit -text Edit -command "::phonebook::edit_record"
106                 button $w.record.mail -text Mail -state disabled -command "::phonebook::mail_to"
107                         grid $w.record.image - -sticky news
108                         grid $w.record.mail $w.record.edit -sticky ns
109                         grid columnconfigure $w.record 1 -weight 1
110                         grid columnconfigure $w.record 0 -weight 0
111                         grid $w.search - - -sticky news
112                         grid $w.list $w.y $w.record -sticky news
113                         grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
114                         grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 0
115                         grid columnconfigure $w 2 -weight 1
116         }       
117         proc keyEvent {window keycode state char keysym} {
118                 if {![string length $char]} return;#ignore noncharacter keys
119                 focus $window
120                 event generate $window <KeyPress> -keycode $keycode -keysym $keysym\
121                                 -state $state -when tail
122         }
123         proc show_record {w index} {
124                 variable phones
125                 variable current
126                 if {[info exists phones($index)]}  {
127                         array set record $phones($index)
128                                 set current $index
129                 } else {
130                         array set record {}
131                         if {[info exists current]} {unset current}
132                 }       
133                 $w.record.name configure -text $record(N);
134                 set_if_exists $w.record.org record(ORG)
135                 set_if_exists $w.record.title record(TITLE)
136                 set_if_exists $w.record.telcell "record(TEL CELL)"
137                 set_if_exists $w.record.telhome "record(TEL HOME)"
138                 set_if_exists $w.record.telwork "record(TEL WORK)"
139                 set_if_exists $w.record.telother "record(TEL)"
140                 set_if_exists $w.record.fax "record(TEL FAX)"
141                 set_if_exists $w.record.email "record(EMAIL INTERNET)"
142                 if {[info exists "record(EMAIL INTERNET)"]} {
143                         $w.record.mail configure -state normal
144                 } else {
145                         $w.record.mail configure -state disabled
146                 }       
147                 if {[llength [set img_index [lindex [array names record PHOTO*] 0]]]} {
148                         if {![regexp {TYPE=([^[:space:]]+)} $img_index msg fmt]} {
149                                 set fmt JPEG
150                         }       
151                         $w.record.image configure -image [image create photo -format $fmt -data $record($img_index)]
152                 } else {
153                         $w.record.image configure -image ""
154                 }
155         }       
157         proc set_if_exists {w var} {
158                 upvar $var v
159                 if {[info exists v]} {
160                         $w configure -text $v
161                 } else {
162                         $w configure -text {}
163                 }
164         }       
166         proc fill_window {w} {
167                 variable phones
168                 variable filter
169                 variable current
170                 read_phonebook
171                 set list [lsort [array names phones]] 
172                 if {[info exists filter]} { 
173                         set list [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $list $filter ]
174                 }       
175                 $w.list delete 0 end
176                 eval $w.list insert 0 $list
177                 if {![info exists current]||[set index [lsearch -exact $list $current]]<0} {
178                         set index 0
179                 }       
180                 $w.list selection clear 0 end
181                 $w.list selection set $index
182                 event generate $w.list <<ListboxSelect>>
183                 after idle "$w.list see $index;focus $w.list"
184                 focus $w.search.pattern
185         } 
187         proc position {w} {
188                 set pattern [$w.search.pattern get]
189                 set list [$w.list get 0 end]
190                 set index [lsearch -regexp $list $pattern]
191                 if {$index!= -1} {
192                         $w.list selection clear 0 end
193                         $w.list selection set $index
194                         event generate $w.list <<ListboxSelect>>
195                         after idle "$w.list see $index;focus $w.list"
196                 }       
197         }
199         proc filter {w} {
200                 variable filter
201                 set filter [$w.search.pattern get]
202                 if {![string length $filter]} {
203                         unset filter
204                 }
205                 fill_window $w
206         }
208 # Create an interface 
209 #
210 if {$::argv0 ne [info script]} {
211         set m .find.m
212         $m add command -label "Phone..." -command\
213                 "create_or_raise .phonebook ::phonebook::mkwindow; ::phonebook::fill_window .phonebook"
214 } else {
215         button .b -text "Phonebook" -command "toplevel .phonebook;
216         ::phonebook::mkwindow .phonebook
217         ::phonebook::fill_window .phonebook"
218         pack .b
219 }       
221 proc mail_to {} {
222         variable current
223         variable phones
224         global CONFIGDIR
225         array set r $phones($current)
226         if {![info exists "r(EMAIL INTERNET)"]} {
227                 return
228         }
229         set address ${r(EMAIL INTERNET)}
230         exec $CONFIGDIR/mail $address &
231 }
233 proc new_rec {} {
234         variable edited
235         catch {unset edited}
236         edit_window
237 }
239 proc edit_record {} {
240         variable current
241         variable phones
242         variable edited
243         set edited $current
244         edit_window
245 }
247 proc edit_window {} {
249 }
250 }