]> www.wagner.pp.ru Git - oss/ctypescrypto.git/summary
descriptionCtypes-based python interface to OpenSSL libcrypto.
last changeSun, 13 May 2018 04:14:44 +0000 (07:14 +0300)
2018-05-13 Victor WagnerAdded explicit check for CMS functions in libcrypto master
2018-04-29 Victor WagnerPython 3 support for modules pbkdf2 pkey ec x509
2018-04-29 Victor WagnerBegin to implement python3 support. Now tests for oid...
2018-04-29 Victor WagnerGenerate new certificates for X509 tests, because old...
2018-04-29 Victor WagnerMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/vbwagner...
2017-08-18 Victor WagnerFix incompatibilities with OpenSSL 1.1.0
2016-11-15 Victor WagnerMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/vbwagner...
2016-11-15 Victor WagnerFixed processing of encrypted private keys. Added tests...
2016-09-02 Victor WagnerMerge pull request #5 from parneshraniga/master
2016-08-18 parneshranigaUpdated cms.py so that EnvelopedData and EncryptedData...
2016-07-21 Victor WagnerMerge pull request #4 from ChristopherMacGown/fix_creat...
2016-07-20 Christopher... CMS_sign expects certstack to be a pointer
2016-07-20 Christopher... PKey.ptr should be PKey.key
2016-06-22 Victor WagnerImproved test coverage of oid.py
2016-06-22 Victor WagnerMake 0.4.1 release
2016-06-22 Victor Wagnerfix typo
5 years ago master