FUBAR mail plugin documentation MAIL plugin creates small window in the right side of fubar bar with mail envelope icon. Window would get red background when you have new mail waiting. Clicking on the window brings up your favorite mail client. Configuration: By default, mail plugin checks for local mail in $MAIL (if this variable is set) /var/mail/$LOGNAME /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME or ${HOME}/Maildir. First of the mailboxes found in order they are listed above, would be monitored. If none found, and ${HOME}/.fubar/imapmail is not present, plugin fails to load. If it is plain file, it is assumed to be mbox and new mail assumed to present if atime of the file is older than mtime. If it is directory, and new subdirectory is present, then new mail is indicated if there are files in new subdirectory. Ff it is directory, but not Maildir, plugin fails to load. If you want, write support for new mail checking in mh folders yourself. If ${HOME}/.fubar/imapmail file is present, it should contain two parameters (to be set into Tcl array by array set command) host - indicates host where your imap mail is stored. This host should be listed in the ${HOME}/.fubar/hosts file and provide command for executing commands on it, otherwise plugin would fail to load. command - command to run imap server in preauth mode. For uw-imap it is just /usr/sbin/imapd, for courier imap it is /usr/bin/imapd Maildir Your favorite mail agent is invoked by executing file named mail int the ${HOME}/fubar. This script is also used by some other fubar plugins.