# Config file for dingo dyndns client # Section name can be anything - it is for your convinience # parameters - hostname - name to send to server # network - IP network where this name belonks to # server - url of dyndns server [dingo] # In seconds interval=60 database=/var/lib/dingo/dingo.db loglevel=INFO # Trusted certicicate store can be # either file with lots of certificates or directory. # In later case it should be hashed # by ca_hash utility from openssl ca=/etc/ssl/certs # # I'm not really sure that dyndns.org supports IPv6 and AAAA records. # but my own dyndns server does and that's enough for me # #[public ipv6] #hostname=roaming-laptop.examlple.conf #network=::/0 #server=https://member.dyndns.org/v3/update #user=dyndnsuser #password=verySecretPas # #[public ipv4] #hostname=roaming-laptop.examlple.conf #network= #server=https://member.dyndns.org/v3/update #user=dyndnsuser #password=verySecretPas # # Note that following two examples use same dyndns server # and same hostname. If it is your case, it's up to you to make sure # that your laptop wouldn't try to connect to corporate VPN from inside # office network # #[corporate vpn] #hostname=roaming-laptop.employees.local #network= #server=http://server.local/dyndns #user=j.doe #password=SomeMoreSecretPassword #[corporate wifi] #hostname=roaming-laptop.employees.local #network= #server=http://server.local/dyndns #user=j.doe #password=SomeMoreSecretPassword