############################################################################## # Ck for Win32 using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 ############################################################################## # # TCL_DIR must be set to the installation directory of Tcl8.3 # TCL_DIR = C:\progra~1\Tcl # # CURSES_INCLUDES must point to the directory where PDCURSES include files are # CURSES_INCLUDES = -IE:\pdcurses # # CURSES_LIB must point to the PDCURSES link library # CURSES_LIB = E:\pdcurses\win32\pdcurses.lib # # Installation directory of MS VC 6 # MSVC = "C:\progra~1\microsoft visual studio\vc98" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The information below should be usable as is. CC = cl LN = link RC = rc LIBS = $(TCL_DIR)\lib\tcl83.lib libcmt.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib \ $(CURSES_LIB) DLLLIBS = $(TCL_DIR)\lib\tcl83.lib msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib \ $(CURSES_LIB) CFLAGS = -Zi -Gs -GD -c -W3 -nologo -D_MT -DWIN32 -I$(MSVC)\include \ -I$(TCL_DIR)\include $(CURSES_INCLUDES) LFLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB /RELEASE /NOLOGO /MACHINE:IX86 /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS \ /ENTRY:WinMainCRTStartup DLLLFLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB /RELEASE /NOLOGO /MACHINE:IX86 /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS \ /ENTRY:_DllMainCRTStartup@12 /DLL WIDGOBJS = ckButton.obj ckEntry.obj ckFrame.obj ckListbox.obj \ ckMenu.obj ckMenubutton.obj ckMessage.obj ckScrollbar.obj ckTree.obj TEXTOBJS = ckText.obj ckTextBTree.obj ckTextDisp.obj ckTextIndex.obj \ ckTextMark.obj ckTextTag.obj OBJS = ckBind.obj ckBorder.obj ckCmds.obj ckConfig.obj ckEvent.obj \ ckFocus.obj \ ckGeometry.obj ckGet.obj ckGrid.obj ckMain.obj ckOption.obj \ ckPack.obj ckPlace.obj \ ckPreserve.obj ckRecorder.obj ckUtil.obj ckWindow.obj tkEvent.obj \ ckAppInit.obj $(WIDGOBJS) $(TEXTOBJS) HDRS = default.h ks_names.h ck.h ckPort.h ckText.h all: ck83.dll cwsh.exe ck83.dll: $(OBJS) set LIB=$(MSVC)\lib $(LN) $(DLLLFLAGS) -out:$@ $(DLLLIBS) @<< $(OBJS) << cwsh.exe: winMain.obj cwsh.res ck83.dll set LIB=$(MSVC)\lib $(LN) $(LFLAGS) winMain.obj cwsh.res -out:$@ $(DLLLIBS) ck83.lib clean: del *.obj del *.lib del *.exp del *.exe del *.res del *.pdb del ck83.dll .c.obj: $(CC) -DBUILD_ck -D_DLL $(CFLAGS) $< .rc.res: $(RC) -I$(MSVC)\include -I$(TCL_DIR)\include -fo $@ -r $< winMain.obj: winMain.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D_DLL winMain.c