# Your C compilier and flags SHELL = /bin/sh srcdir = @srcdir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ VPATH = @srcdir@ prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ installroot = @installroot@ bindir = @bindir@ libdir = @libdir@ confdir = @sysconfdir@ datadir = @datadir@ mandir = @mandir@ INSTALL = @INSTALL@ WISH = @WISH@ CC = @CC@ COMPAT_OBJ=@LIBOBJS@ build_targets = @buildtargets@ install_targets = @installtargets@ CHARSETPATH=${datadir}/catdoc # Flags to pass to your C compilier # remove -O2 on HP/UX 9. It is known to cause problems FLAGS=-I. @CFLAGS@ @DEFS@ -DCATDOC_VERSION=\"@catdoc_version@\" -DCHARSETPATH=\"${CHARSETPATH}\" #Compile-time configuration of catdoc itself. Edit according to taste #Directory, where all system-wide stuff resides DATA_DIR=$(datadir)/catdoc #directory, where catdoc binary would be placed #directory where to put man page #System-wide configuration file SYSTEMRC=$(confdir)/catdocrc #Per-user configration file (in user's home directory USERRC=.catdocrc # path where to search for charsets. may be colon-separated list of dirs # Extension for map of special character SPEC_EXT=@specsuffix@ # Extension for map of substitutes (chars which are missing from target # charset) REPL_EXT=@replsuffix@ # Target charset - one used on your system console or xterm TARGET_CHARSET=@targetcharset@ # Source charset - one which your Word files are usially in unless they # are UNICODE SOURCE_CHARSET=@sourcecharset@ # Character which would be printed instead of ones, not found in charset # or replacement map UNKNOWN_CHAR=? # END OF COMPILE-TIME CONFIGURATION DEFINES=-DSYSTEMRC=\"$(SYSTEMRC)\" -DUSERRC=\"$(USERRC)\" CFLAGS=$(FLAGS) $(DEFINES) @DEFS@ COMMONOBJ=charsets.o substmap.o fileutil.o confutil.o numutils.o ole.o OBJ=catdoc.o reader.o writer.o analyze.o rtfread.o $(COMMONOBJ) OBJXLS=xls2csv.o sheet.o xlsparse.o $(COMMONOBJ) OBJPPT=catppt.o pptparse.o $(COMMONOBJ) #.c.o: # $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $* all: @buildtargets@ catdoc: $(OBJ) $(CC) -o catdoc $(OBJ) xls2csv: $(OBJXLS) $(CC) -o xls2csv $(OBJXLS) -lm catppt: $(OBJPPT) $(CC) -o catppt $(OBJPPT) -lm install: @installtargets@ install-catdoc:catdoc xls2csv catppt ../mkinstalldirs $(installroot)$(bindir) $(INSTALL) -m 755 catdoc $(installroot)$(bindir)/catdoc $(INSTALL) -m 755 xls2csv $(installroot)$(bindir)/xls2csv $(INSTALL) -m 755 catppt $(installroot)$(bindir)/catppt install-wordview: wordview ../mkinstalldirs $(installroot)$(bindir) $(INSTALL) -m 755 wordview $(installroot)$(bindir)/wordview wordview: wordview.tcl echo "#! $(WISH)" >wordview echo set charset_lib "\"$(CHARSETPATH)\"">>wordview cat wordview.tcl >>wordview chmod 0755 wordview strftime.o: ../compat/strftime.c $(CC) -c $(FLAGS) -o $@ $* clean: rm -f *.o catdoc wordview xls2csv catppt distclean: clean rm Makefile