#!/usr/bin/tclsh lappend auto_path [file dirname [info script]] package require ossltest cd $::test::dir set env(LC_TIME) C if [file exists tsa.serial] { file delete tsa.serial } set testname [file rootname [file tail $::argv0]] # # Formats 64 hex digits into format # proc format_hash {hash} { # Split hash into list of two-digit hexadecimal numbers set list [regexp -all -inline {[[:xdigit:]]{2}} $hash] for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $list]} {incr i 16} { append out [format " %04x - " $i] set hex [join [lrange $list $i [expr $i+15]] " "] if {[string length $hex]>24} { set hex [string replace $hex 23 23 "-"] } append out $hex [string repeat " " [expr 50-[string length $hex]]] foreach char [lrange $list $i [expr $i+15]] { set n [scan $char "%x"] if {$n>=32 && $n <=126 } { append out [format %c $n] } else { append out "." } } append out "\n" } # Chop newline from last line return [string trim $out "\n"] } # # Replace Nonce with equvalent number of X-es because we cannot # predict nonce for comparing output, and chop out STDERR # If output contains timestamp, extract it, replace with word # "extracted" and return two-element list where element 0 is modified # output and element 1 is timestamp in unix time # proc cleanup_print {output} { set data [regsub {STDERR CONTENTS:.*$} [regsub {Nonce: 0x[[:xdigit:]]+} $output {Nonce: 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}] {}] if {[regexp "\nTime stamp: (\[^\n\]+)\n" $data -> time]} { return [list [regsub "\nTime stamp: (\[^\n\]+)\n" $data "\nTime stamp: extracted\n"] [clock scan $time]] } else { return $data } } start_tests "Тесты на timestamping protocol" test "Creating CA 2001" { makeCA ${testname}CA gost2001:A } 0 1 test "Creating CA 2012" { makeCA } 0 1 set serial_num 0 if {[info exists env(ALG_LIST)]} { set alg_list $env(ALG_LIST) } else { switch -exact [engine_name] { "ccore" {set alg_list {gost2001:A gost2012_256:A gost2012_512:A}} "open" {set alg_list {gost2001:A gost2012_256:A gost2012_512:A}} } } foreach alg $alg_list { set alg_fn [string map {":" "_"} $alg] set username U_tsa_$alg_fn set hash_alg [alg_hash $alg] switch -glob $alg { gost2012* {set ::test::ca ${testname}CA-2012} * {set ::test::ca ${testname}CA} } test "Creating Timestamping authority certificate" { makeRegisteredUser $username $alg CN "Timestamping authority $alg" \ extensions "keyUsage=digitalSignature,nonRepudiation\nextendedKeyUsage=critical,timeStamping" openssl "verify -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem -purpose timestampsign $username/cert.pem" } 0 "$username/cert.pem: OK\n" test "creating TSA configuration file" { makeFile tsa.cnf "\[ tsa \] default_tsa = tsa_section \[ tsa_section \] serial = [pwd]/tsa.serial digests=[hash_short_name $hash_alg] default_policy = other_policies =, signer_digest = md_gost94 " } 0 "" test "Creating request with [hash_short_name $hash_alg], no cert request, no policy" { makeFile testdata [string repeat "Test data for timestamp\n" 100] set hash1 [regsub {^[^=]+= } [openssl "dgst -[hash_short_name $hash_alg] testdata"] {}] set sha1hash1 [regsub {^[^=]+= } [openssl "dgst -sha1 testdata"] {}] openssl "ts -query -[hash_short_name $hash_alg] -data testdata -out req1.tsq" file exists req1.tsq } 0 1 test "Printing request 1" { cleanup_print [openssl "ts -query -text -in req1.tsq"] } 0 "Version: 1 Hash Algorithm: [hash_long_name $hash_alg] Message data: [format_hash $hash1] Policy OID: unspecified Nonce: 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Certificate required: no Extensions: " test "Creating reply for request1" { incr serial_num openssl "ts -reply -config tsa.cnf -queryfile req1.tsq -signer $username/cert.pem -inkey $username/seckey.pem -out resp1.tsr -[hash_short_name $hash_alg]" file exists resp1.tsr } 0 1 set creation_time1 $::test::timestamp test -time 1 "printing reply 1" { cleanup_print [openssl "ts -reply -text -in resp1.tsr"] } 0 [list "Status info: Status: Granted. Status description: unspecified Failure info: unspecified TST info: Version: 1 Policy OID: Hash Algorithm: [hash_long_name $hash_alg] Message data: [format_hash $hash1] Serial number: 0x[format "%02X" $serial_num] Time stamp: extracted Accuracy: unspecified Ordering: no Nonce: 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TSA: unspecified Extensions: " $creation_time1] test "Verifying reply against query file" { grep "Verification" [openssl "ts -verify -in resp1.tsr -queryfile req1.tsq -untrusted $username/cert.pem -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem"] } 0 "Verification: OK\n" test "Verifying reply against data file" { grep "Verification" [openssl "ts -verify -in resp1.tsr -data testdata -untrusted $username/cert.pem -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem"] } 0 "Verification: OK\n" test "Verifying reply against other data file" { makeFile testdata2 [string repeat "Test data for timestamp 2\n" 100] set hash2 [regsub {^[^=]+= } [openssl "dgst -[hash_short_name $hash_alg] testdata2"] {}] openssl "ts -verify -in resp1.tsr -data testdata2 -untrusted $username/cert.pem -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem" } 1 "message imprint mismatch" test "Verifying reply against explicit hash value" { grep "Verification" [openssl "ts -verify -in resp1.tsr -digest $hash1 -untrusted $username/cert.pem -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem"] } 0 "Verification: OK\n" test "Creating request 2 with [hash_short_name $hash_alg], cert requested, no policy" { openssl "ts -query -[hash_short_name $hash_alg] -data testdata -cert -out req2.tsq" file exists req2.tsq } 0 1 test "Printing request 2" { cleanup_print [openssl "ts -query -text -in req2.tsq"] } 0 "Version: 1 Hash Algorithm: [hash_long_name $hash_alg] Message data: [format_hash $hash1] Policy OID: unspecified Nonce: 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Certificate required: yes Extensions: " test "Replying to request 2" { incr serial_num openssl "ts -reply -config tsa.cnf -queryfile req2.tsq -signer $username/cert.pem -inkey $username/seckey.pem -out resp2.tsr -[hash_short_name $hash_alg]" file exists resp2.tsr } 0 1 set creation_time2 $::test::timestamp test -time 1 "Printing reply 2" { cleanup_print [openssl "ts -reply -text -in resp2.tsr"] } 0 [list "Status info: Status: Granted. Status description: unspecified Failure info: unspecified TST info: Version: 1 Policy OID: Hash Algorithm: [hash_long_name $hash_alg] Message data: [format_hash $hash1] Serial number: 0x[format "%02X" $serial_num] Time stamp: extracted Accuracy: unspecified Ordering: no Nonce: 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TSA: unspecified Extensions: " $creation_time2] test "Verifying reply2 against request file" { grep "Verification" [openssl "ts -verify -in resp2.tsr -queryfile req2.tsq -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem"] } 0 "Verification: OK\n" test "Verifying reply2 against data file" { grep "Verification" [openssl "ts -verify -in resp2.tsr -data testdata -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem"] } 0 "Verification: OK\n" test "Verifying reply2 against explicit digest" { grep "Verification" [openssl "ts -verify -in resp2.tsr -digest $hash1 -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem"] } 0 "Verification: OK\n" test "Verifying reply2 against request 1" { grep "Verification" [openssl "ts -verify -in resp2.tsr -queryfile req1.tsq -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem"] } 1 "nonce mismatch" test "Creating request 3 with sha1 digest" { openssl "ts -query -sha1 -data testdata -cert -out req3.tsq" file exists req3.tsq } 0 1 test "Printing request 3" { cleanup_print [openssl "ts -query -text -in req3.tsq"] } 0 "Version: 1 Hash Algorithm: sha1 Message data: [format_hash $sha1hash1] Policy OID: unspecified Nonce: 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Certificate required: yes Extensions: " test "Replying to request 3 (with badAlg status)" { set creation_time3 [clock format [clock seconds] -gmt y -format "%B %d %H:%M:%S %Y GMT"] openssl "ts -reply -config tsa.cnf -queryfile req3.tsq -signer $username/cert.pem -inkey $username/seckey.pem -out resp3.tsr -[hash_short_name $hash_alg]" file exists resp3.tsr } 0 1 test "Printing reply 3" { cleanup_print [openssl "ts -reply -text -in resp3.tsr"] } 0 "Status info: Status: Rejected. Status description: Message digest algorithm is not supported. Failure info: unrecognized or unsupported algorithm identifier TST info: Not included. " test "Verifying response 3 against request file" { openssl "ts -verify -in resp3.tsr -queryfile req3.tsq -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem" } 1 "status code: rejection, status text: Message digest algorithm is not supported., failure codes: badAlg" test "Creating request 4 with specific (valid) policy" { openssl "ts -query -[hash_short_name $hash_alg] -data testdata -tspolicy -cert -out req4.tsq" file exists req4.tsq } 0 1 test "Replying to request 4" { incr serial_num openssl "ts -reply -config tsa.cnf -queryfile req4.tsq -signer $username/cert.pem -inkey $username/seckey.pem -out resp4.tsr -[hash_short_name $hash_alg]" file exists resp4.tsr } 0 1 test "Verifying reply 4 against request file" { grep "Verification" [openssl "ts -verify -in resp4.tsr -queryfile req4.tsq -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem"] } 0 "Verification: OK\n" test "Creating request 5 with specific (invalid) policy" { openssl "ts -query -[hash_short_name $hash_alg] -data testdata -tspolicy -cert -out req5.tsq" file exists req5.tsq } 0 1 test "Replying to request 5" { openssl "ts -reply -config tsa.cnf -queryfile req5.tsq -signer $username/cert.pem -inkey $username/seckey.pem -out resp5.tsr -[hash_short_name $hash_alg]" file exists resp5.tsr } 0 1 test "Verifying reply 5" { openssl "ts -verify -in resp5.tsr -queryfile req5.tsq -CAfile $::test::ca/cacert.pem" } 1 "status code: rejection, status text: Requested policy is not supported., failure codes: unacceptedPolicy" } end_tests