#!/usr/bin/perl -CDS use utf8; use POSIX qw(strftime); use MIME::Base64; # char-level modes my $poetry = 0; my $verbatim = 0; my @sections; my $buffer; my $idseq = 0; # sequentual number of footnotes my $footnotes=""; # # TODO italic paragaphs # footnotes # epigraphs # # print fictionbook header print "\n"; print "\n"; my $metadata = shift @ARGV; open F,"<",$metadata; my $pics = ""; while () { # Replace empty date with current date if (// || /\s*<\/date>/) { $_ = "". strftime("%d/%m/%Y",localtime())."\n"; } # Add current to date as fractional part to version if (/(\d*)(.\d*)?<\/version>/) { my $ver = $1+time()/1E10; $_=tag(sprintf("%g",$ver),"version")."\n"; } # Если существует cover.png, добавляем coverpage if (//) { $_=""; COVER: for $file ("cover.jpg","cover.png") { if (-f $file) { my $id = $file; $id=~tr/./_/; $_ = "\n\n\n"; $pics .= mkbinary($file,$id); last COVER; } } } print $_; } close F; print "\n"; my $header =1; LINE: while (<>) { $environ = undef; if (/\\(begin|end){(\w+)}/) { $environ=$2; $begin=$1 eq "begin"; if ($environ eq 'verbatim') { $verbatim=$begin; } elsif ($environ eq 'verse') { if ($begin) { pushsection("poem",undef); } else { add_to_section(tag($buffer,'stanza')."\n") if $buffer; $buffer=""; flushsection('poem'); } $poetry = $begin; } elsif($environ eq 'document' && $begin) { $header=0; } } next LINE if $header; if ((/^$/ || $environ) && $buffer) { #output on empty line (p or stanza) depending on poetry mode add_to_section(tag(flushbuffer($buffer),$poetry?"stanza":"p")."\n"); $buffer=""; } next LINE if $environ; # Section headings if (/\\(part|chapter|section|subsection|subsubsection)\*?\{(.*)\}/) { if ($buffer) { add_to_section(tag(flushbuffer($buffer),$poetry?"stanza":"p")); $buffer=""; } pushsection($1,tag($2,"p")); next LINE; } if (/\\vspace\{/) { add_to_section(""); next LINE; } next LINE if /\\pagebreak\b/; #replace ' and " with entities s/&/&/g; s/'/'/g; s/"/"/g; s//>/g; #normal mode: if (!$verbatim) { #strip TeX comments s/([^\\])%.*$/$1/; s/^%.*$//; # strip \sloppy s/\\(\w+)\\sloppy/\\$1/g; s/\\sloppy\s+//g; s/\\sloppy\{\}//g; s/\\sloppy([^\w])/$1/g; # strip extra space s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/(\s)\s+/$1/g; #replace TeX ligatures ~ --- << >> \% with appropriate unicode symbols $_ = fix_ligatures($_); } if ($poetry) { chomp; if ($poetic_buffer) { $_ = $poetic_buffer." ".$_; $poetic_buffer = undef; } if (/{[^}]+$/) { $poetic_buffer=$_; next LINE; } s/\s*\\\\$//; $buffer.=tag(flushbuffer($_),'v')."\n"; } elsif ($verbatim) { add_to_section(tag(tag($_,"code"),"p")); } else { $buffer.=" ".$_; } } if ($buffer) { add_to_section(tag(flushbuffer($buffer),"p")); $buffer=""; } while (@sections) { flushsection(); } print "\n"; ## print footnotes print "\n$footnotes\n" if $footnotes; print $pics; print ""; sub add_to_section { my $data = shift; return if ($#sections<0) ; if ($data =~ /^\s*
/ && $sections[$#sections]->{data} !~ /^\s*
/) { $sections[$#sections]->{data} = tag($sections[$#sections]->{data},"section")."\n"; } $sections[$#sections]->{data}.=$data; } sub flushsection { my $tag= shift || 'section'; my $str = pop @sections; my $content=""; if ($str->{title}) { $content = tag($str->{title},"title"); } if ($str->{data} =~ /^\s*$/s) { $content .= "


"; } else { $content .= $str->{data}; } if ($#sections >=0) { add_to_section(tag($content,$tag)."\n"); } else { print tag($content,$tag); } } sub pushsection { my ($level,$title)=@_; # Find section of $level in the current stack my $found=scalar(@sections); LEVEL: for (my $i=0;$i<=$#sections;$i++) { if ($sections[$i]->{level} eq $level) { $found=$i; last LEVEL; } } # if found, flush everything below while (scalar(@sections) > $found) { flushsection; } push @sections,{level=>$level,title=>fix_ligatures($title),data=>""}; } sub fix_ligatures { local $_=shift; s/~/\xA0/g; s/\\-/\xAD/g; s/---/—/g; s/<>/»/g; s/\\%/%/g; s/\\dots/\x{2026}/g; s/\\verb(.)(.*)\1/$2<\/code>/; return $_; } sub tag { my ($content,$name) = @_; $content =~s/^\s+//s; return "" unless $content; return "<$name>$content"; } sub flushbuffer { local $_ = shift; s/\\footnote\{(.*)\}/push_footnote($1)/e; $_.="}" if (/^\s*\{.*?[^}]$/) ; s/\{\\(em|it|bf)(?:\s+| \{\})([^{}]+)}/$2<\/emphasis>/g; s/\{\\(tt)(?:\s+|\{\})([^{}]+)}/$2<\/code>/g; s/\\(emph|textit|textbf)\{([^{}]+)\}/$2<\/emphasis>/g; s/[{}]//g; return $_; } sub push_footnote { my $id = "note_".(++$idseq); $footnotes.="
\n"; return "$idseq"; } sub mkbinary { my ($filename,$id) = @_; my $f; open $f,"<",$filename; binmode $f; local $/; my $data = encode_base64(<$f>); return "$data\n"; close $f; }