--- /dev/null
+Restoration script for full linux backup
+Prepare for backups
+Before you'll be able to restore your system from backup, you have to do
+1. Get an USB thumb drive or external HDD big enough to hold entire
+ content of our notebook's SSD.
+2. Install gparted-live into beginning of this disk
+3. Format rest of this disk (gparted would take no more than half of GB
+at the beginning) as ext4 system
+4. Install rsnapshot on your machine and set up it to make backup into
+ ```
+ /media/${your name}/${label of your USB partition}/${hostname}
+ ```
+ If you have big usb HDD and several notebooks, you can backup all of
+ them on one medium.
+ You should backup everything including /boot/efi, although you can
+ omit mozilla cache and other thinks which are likely to change during
+ backup.
+5. Do first backup. Do:
+ ```
+ echo p |fdisk /dev/nvme0n1 > partitions.layout
+ copy restore script into root of your backup partition.
+Do backup regularly
+Don't forget to insert this USB drive into your notebook and run
+rsnapshot with appropraite argument as root on regular basis.
+Use alpha/beta/gamma modes of rsnapshots, so you'll store daily backups
+for last week, weekly ones for last month and several monthly ones.
+Restore old files occasionaly
+Sometimes you'll find out that you have incedently removed or modified
+some file. You can than plug your backup drive in and get yesterday's or
+week ago copy.
+When disaster happens
+When your SSD drive dies, or have been irrepairable wiped out,
+or hit by trojan or cryptolocker so it is easier to wipe out then do
+anythin else:
+1. Repair the hardware
+2. Insert your backup drive in USB port and boot from it. Mount your
+ second partition under, say /mnt
+3. From parted-live GUI create neccessary partitions. You can consult
+ partitions.layout file which you have created while preparing backup.
+ Don't forget create vfat partion for /boot/efi, if you are using uefi
+ boot.
+4. Mount newly created root partition under, say /target
+ and if you unse separate partions for /home, /var or anything else,
+ mount them on /target/home, /target/var etc.
+ Don't forget to mount /target/boot/ef
+5. Cd to /mnt and run
+ ```
+ restore /target
+ ```
+ IF you keep backup for several
+ compiters on one disk or want to restore not the latest daily backup,
+ specify backup directory
+ ```
+ restore mynote/beta.1 /target
+ ```
+6. Reboot and enjoy.
+Other uses
+You can use this restoration procedure when you are upgrading your main
+SSD - no need to search for USB SATA or USB NVME controller to copy data
+from old disk. That is why we don't create partitions from script. User
+may want to rearrange partition layout or just restore system on bigger
--- /dev/null
+if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then
+ cat >&2 << EOH
+ $0 [backup-dir] restore-mount-point
+This is script to restore from rsnapshot-based backup.
+It copies directory tree from backup dir to restore-mount-point
+and updaes fstab there to have correct UUIDs of partitions mounted
+underneath this mountpoint.
+You have to manually create partitions and filesystems on them and mount
+it under target mount point.
+if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ # only one parameter is specified it is assumed to be target. So in
+ # the current directory must be only one backup
+ for candidate in alpha.0/etc "$(echo ./*/alpha.0/etc)"; do
+ if [ -d "$candidate" ]; then
+ backup="$(dirname "$candidate")"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -z "$backup" ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find backup directory. Please specify it explicitely" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ restore="$1"
+ backup="$1"
+ restore="$2"
+if [ ! -d "$backup/etc" ]||[ ! -d "$backup/home" ]||[ ! -d "$backup/usr" ]; then
+ echo "$backup doesn't look like full backup of unix filesystem"
+if [ ! -d "$restore" ]; then
+ echo "Restore mount point $restore doesn't exists" >&2
+ exit 1
+mount|while read -r dev _ point _ type rest; do
+ case $point in
+ $restore|$restore/*)
+ uuid="$(blkid "$dev" --output export|grep '^UUID')"
+ targetpoint=${point#$restore}
+ [ -z "$targetpoint" ]&&targetpoint=/
+ fsline=$(printf "%s %12s %s defaults 0 0" "$uuid" "$targetpoint" "$type")
+ echo "$fsline">>"$tempf"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ :
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Scan for swap partitions on the same drive
+root="$(df "$restore" --output=source|tail -1)"
+for part in "$drive"*; do
+ data="$(blkid "$part" --output=export)"
+ uuid=$(echo "$data"|grep "^UUID=")
+ if echo "$data"|grep -q TYPE=swap; then
+ echo "$uuid none swap sw 1 0" >> "$tempf"
+ fi
+while [ ! -e "$drive" ]; do
+ drive=${drive%?}
+echo "Going to install boot loader on $drive"
+#read fstab and copy out all lines which do not start with UUID
+while read -r line; do
+ case "$line" in
+ UUID=*)
+ if [ -e "$tempf" ]; then
+ cat "$tempf"
+ rm "$tempf"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "$line"
+ ;;
+ esac
+done < "$backup/etc/fstab" > /tmp/fstab.new
+# restoring backup
+echo "Restoring data"
+rsync -a "$backup/" "$restore/" || exit 1
+echo "Updatinf fstab"
+cp /tmp/fstab.new "$restore/etc/fstab"
+rm "$restore/etc/udev/rules.d"/*-persistent-net.rules
+echo "Installing bootloader"
+mount -t proc none "$restore/proc"
+mount -o bind /dev "$restore/dev"
+mount -t sysfs sys "$restore/sys"
+chroot "$restore" update-grub
+chroot "$restore" grub-install "$drive"
+umount "$restore/sys"
+umount "$restore/dev"
+umount "$restore/proc"
+echo "Restore completed. Please reboot"