#!/usr/bin/tclsh # -*- coding: cp1251 -*- lappend auto_path [file dirname [info script]] package require ossltest package require test cd $::test::dir set testname [file rootname [file tail $::argv0]] start_tests "Тесты на cms -encrypt с участием эталонных серверов" proc make_fn {alg} { return [string map {":" "_"} $alg] } proc map {str list} { set result {} foreach a $list { lappend result [subst $str] } return $result } if {![file exist encrypt.dat]} { makeFile encrypt.dat [string repeat "Test data to encrypt.\n" 100] } #if {![info exist env(/NO_RSA)]} { #test "Creating RSA CA" { # makeCA ${testname}CA-RSA rsa:512 #} 0 1 # set ::test::ca cmsencCA-RSA #foreach user {U_cms_enc_rsa_1 U_cms_enc_rsa_2} { #test "Make registered user $user" { # makeRegisteredUser $user rsa:512 CAname ${testname}CA-RSA #} 0 1 #} set hosts tls-ref-cp21 foreach hstname $hosts { #test -createsfiles cms_enc_rsa.msg "RSA User 1 encrypts message for RSA user 2" { # openssl "cms -encrypt -in encrypt.dat -des -out cms_enc_rsa.msg U_cms_enc_rsa_2/cert.pem" # file isfile cms_enc_rsa.msg #} 0 1 test "RSA User 1 cannot decrypt message for RSA user 2" { grep "Error" [openssl_remote "cms_enc_rsa.msg U_cms_enc_rsa_1" "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_rsa.msg -recip TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_rsa_1/cert.pem -inkey TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_rsa_1/seckey.pem" "rsa"] } 1 {Error decrypting CMS} test -skip {![file exists cms_decrypt.rsa]} "RSA User 2 (with cert) can decrypt message for RSA user 2" { set expected [getFile encrypt.dat] openssl_remote "U_cms_enc_rsa_2" "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_rsa.msg -recip TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_rsa_2/cert.pem -inkey TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_rsa_2/seckey.pem -out TESTPATH/cms_decrypt.rsa" "rsa" set result [getFile cms_decrypt.rsa] string eq $expected $result } 0 1 test -skip{![file exists cms_decrypt_nocert.rsa]} "RSA User 2 (without cert) can decrypt message for RSA user 2" { set expected [getFile encrypt.dat] openssl_remote "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_rsa.msg -inkey TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_rsa_2/seckey.pem -out TESTPATH/cms_decrypt_nocert.rsa" "rsa" set result [getFile cms_decrypt_nocert.rsa] string eq $expected $result } 0 1 } #test "Creating CA 2001" { # makeCA ${testname}CA gost2001:A #} 0 1 #test "Creating CA 2012" { # makeCA #} 0 1 # set hosts [list tls-ref-cp21 tls-ref-cp20] foreach hstname $hosts { if {[info exist env(ENC_LIST)]} { set enc_list $env(ENC_LIST) } else { switch -exact [engine_name] { "ccore" {set enc_list {gost2001:XA:1.2.643. gost2001:XB:1.2.643. }} "open" {set enc_list {gost2001:XA:1.2.643. gost2001:XB:1.2.643. }} } } save_env2 {OPENSSL_CONF CRYPT_PARAMS} makeFile cmsenc1.cnf [regsub -all "\n\\s*CRYPT_PARAMS\\s*=\[\^\n]*" [getConfig] ""] set ::env(OPENSSL_CONF) [file join [pwd] cmsenc1.cnf] foreach enc_tuple $enc_list { if {![regexp {^([^:]*:[^:]*):(.*)$} $enc_tuple -> alg crypt_param]} { set alg $enc_tuple set crypt_param {} } set alg_fn [make_fn $enc_tuple] set username U_cms_enc_$alg_fn switch -glob $alg { gost2012* {set ::test::ca cmsCA-2012} * {set ::test::ca cmsCA} } #test "Creating user $username with key $alg" { # makeRegisteredUser $username $alg # if {![file exists $username/req.pem]&&[file exists $username/cert.pem]} { # file delete $username/cert.pem # } # file exists $username/cert.pem #} 0 1 if {[string length $crypt_param]} { set env(CRYPT_PARAMS) $crypt_param } else { if {[info exists env(CRYPT_PARAMS)]} {unset env(CRYPT_PARAMS)} } #test -createsfiles cms_enc_$alg_fn.msg "Encrypting for $username" { # grep "rror" [openssl "cms -encrypt -in encrypt.dat -gost89 -out cms_enc_$alg_fn.msg U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/cert.pem"] #} 0 "" if {[info exists env(CRYPT_PARAMS)]} {unset env(CRYPT_PARAMS)} #test -createsfiles cms_enc_$alg_fn.pem "Extracting CMS from encrypted structure for $username" { # openssl "cms -cmsout -out cms_enc_$alg_fn.pem -outform PEM -in cms_enc_$alg_fn.msg" # file isfile cms_enc_$alg_fn.pem #} 0 1 #test -skip {![file exists cms_enc_$alg_fn.pem]} "Checking oids in pkcs7 structure for $username" { # extract_oids cms_enc_$alg_fn.pem PEM #} 0 [mkObjList [alg_id $alg] [param_pubkey $alg] [param_hash $alg] crypt89_cc [param_encr $crypt_param]] #test "Decrypting file encrypted for $username" { # set expected [getFile encrypt.dat] # openssl_remote "$username U_cms_enc_$alg_fn cms_enc_$alg_fn.msg" "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_$alg_fn.msg -recip TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/cert.pem -inkey TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/seckey.pem -out TESTPATH/cms_decrypt.$alg_fn" "$testname" # set result [getRemoteFile "$hstname" "TESTPATH/cms_decrypt.$alg_fn" "$testname"] # string eq $expected $result #} 0 1 test "Decrypting file encrypted for $username" { set expected [getFile encrypt.dat] set result [openssl_remote "$username U_cms_enc_$alg_fn cms_enc_$alg_fn.msg" "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_$alg_fn.msg -recip TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/cert.pem -inkey TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/seckey.pem" "$testname"] string eq $expected $result } 0 1 if {[string length $crypt_param]} { set env(CRYPT_PARAMS) $crypt_param } else { if {[info exists env(CRYPT_PARAMS)]} {unset env(CRYPT_PARAMS)} } #test -createsfiles cms_enc_t_$alg_fn.msg "Encrypting for $username - text format" { # grep "rror" [openssl "cms -encrypt -text -in encrypt.dat -gost89 -out cms_enc_t_$alg_fn.msg U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/cert.pem"] #} 0 "" if {[info exists env(CRYPT_PARAMS)]} {unset env(CRYPT_PARAMS)} test -createsfiles cms_decrypt_t.$alg_fn "Decrypting file text-encrypted for $username" { set expected [getFile encrypt.dat] set result [openssl_remote "cms_enc_t_$alg_fn.msg U_cms_enc_$alg_fn" "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -text -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_t_$alg_fn.msg -recip TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/cert.pem -inkey TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/seckey.pem" "$testname"] string eq $expected $result } 0 1 test -createsfiles cms_decrypt_t_nocert.$alg_fn "Decrypting file text-encrypted for $username without cert" { set expected [getFile encrypt.dat] set result [openssl_remote "cms_enc_t_$alg_fn.msg U_cms_enc_$alg_fn" "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -text -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_t_$alg_fn.msg -inkey TESTPATH/U_cms_enc_$alg_fn/seckey.pem" "$testname"] string eq $expected $result } 0 1 } #test -createfiles cms_enc_4all_old "Encrypt for all" { # puts stdout $enc_list # grep "rror" [openssl "cms -encrypt -in encrypt.dat -gost89 -out cms_enc_4all_old.msg [map {U_cms_enc_[make_fn $a]/cert.pem} $enc_list]"] #} 0 "" foreach enc_tuple $enc_list { if {![regexp {^([^:]*:[^:]*):(.*)$} $enc_tuple -> alg crypt_param]} { set alg $enc_tuple set crypt_param {} } set alg_fn [make_fn $enc_tuple] set username U_cms_enc_$alg_fn if {[string length $crypt_param]} { set env(CRYPT_PARAMS) $crypt_param } else { if {[info exists env(CRYPT_PARAMS)]} {unset env(CRYPT_PARAMS)} } test -createfiles cms_enc_4all_old "Encrypt for all" { grep "rror" [openssl "cms -encrypt -in encrypt.dat -gost89 -out cms_enc_4all_old.msg [map {U_cms_enc_[make_fn $a]/cert.pem} $enc_list]"] } 0 "" test -skip {![file exists cms_enc_4all_old.msg]} "Decrypting gost-encrypted file, recipient $alg_fn" { set expected [getFile encrypt.dat] set result [openssl_remote "cms_enc_4all_old.msg $username" "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_4all_old.msg -recip TESTPATH/$username/cert.pem -inkey TESTPATH/$username/seckey.pem" "$testname"] string eq $expected $result } 0 1 test -skip {![file exists cms_enc_4all_old.msg]} -createsfiles cms_decrypt_4all_nocert.$alg_fn "Decrypting gost-encrypted file without cert, recipient $alg_fn" { set expected [getFile encrypt.dat] set result [openssl_remote "cms_enc_4all_old.msg $username" "$hstname" "cms -decrypt -in TESTPATH/cms_enc_4all_old.msg -inkey TESTPATH/$username/seckey.pem" "$testname"] string eq $expected $result } 0 1 } restore_env2 {OPENSSL_CONF CRYPT_PARAMS} } end_tests